Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School
Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School

Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School

Powered by Future First

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The network you are joining might be part of a wider group, for example a multi-academy trust or federation, which might also benefit from your support. If you would like to share your details with the members of the wider group, either now or in the future, please tick this box. You can find more details in the network group privacy policy. If your school is already part of such a group, information about them will be shown on sign up.
Join the National Alumni Network*
Connect with other volunteers and have access to more job opportunities, volunteering opportunities, and events. This network is run by Future First
We want to create a safe and productive environment for all users and require everyone to read and agree to a code of conduct.
Your details will be shared with Future First and your school/college. Full details of how we use the information you provide can be found in the privacy policy. By ticking this box you are agreeing to the privacy policy.